Thank you so much for selecting Krista Radzina Photography for your photo shoot experience. I pride myself on providing a stellar customer service experience and I can continue to improve upon my services with your honest feedback. I appreciate you taking a few minutes to do so via the form below.



How would you rate your photo shoot experience on a scale 1-10?

What did you enjoy the most about the session and/or photo gallery that was delivered?

Did you have any concerns or fears prior to the session? How did those play out?

Is there anything at all you wish I would have done differently or think I could do to further enhance the experience in the future?

I LOVE to feature stories from real clients on their experience, and, of course, I love to share the images that go with them! Would you like to have your testimony and some of your images featured on my website, social media, etc? Note* I always withhold client’s name and contact information to protect privacy, and will only post with client’s express permission and a completed model release.

Please feel free to specify any requests for sharing your images here. We will happily oblige:

Please do not share my images until after this date:

For brownie points, it would be immensely appreciated for you to copy/paste your feedback answers to Google Reviews! Simply Google Krista Radzina Photography and click “leave review”. IT MEAN THE WORLD TO ME, THANK YOU!